Podcast interview Mennens Cleanroom Cranes

With Commercial Director Danny van Deuzen

Mennens Cleanroom Cranes provides specialized lifting solutions for controlled environments.

In this interview, Commercial Director Danny van Deuzen shares insights into the importance of using cleanroom cranes rather than industrial cranes. He also shares the company's journey, the unique products we offer, and the diverse markets we serve.

Whether you are in the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, battery manufacturing or aerospace industry, this interview is packed with valuable information on cleanroom cranes and what we can do for you.


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Cleanroom particle contamination


Cleanroom particle contamination: origin and displacement

Contamination in a cleanroom can be defined as the presence of substances or gases, such as particles, fluids or airborne molecular, that can have an unwanted effect on the product, process or even a living being. In some circumstances light, magnetism, static and radiation may also be considered contamination.

In this blog, we will focus on contamination risks regarding the use of a traditional (overhead ) crane.

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8 Reasons to choose an overhead crane from Mennens Cleanroom Cranes

Overhead cranes from Mennens Cleanroom Cranes are used in more controlled environments than just cleanrooms. But why should you choose a cleanroom overhead crane for other applications instead of an industrial variant? In this blog, we explain it in detail.

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New Knowledge paper: Clean, compact and reliable lifting with the Dyneema sling

In your cleanroom or controlled environment, cleanliness, safety and precision are paramount. If you use a crane here, then it is crucial for the crane to limit the generation of contamination as much as possible and for it to be extremely reliable. Many factors come into play here. One of them is selecting the right material for the lifting equipment in the hoist.

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Working at Cleanroom Cranes - A quick introduction to all the aspects of engineering

Yannick Bisscheroux (26) works as a mechanical engineer at Mennens Cleanroom Cranes. Commercial Director Danny van Deuzen (54) was at his job interview and has seen how quickly Yannick is progressing. A two-in-one interview.

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Mennens Cleanroom Cranes B.V.

Achtseweg Zuid 161
5651 GW Eindhoven
The Netherlands
T +31(0)88 425 83 00